W.S. Penn

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William S. Penn is an urban mixed-blood Nez Perce. Born and raised in the West, he has lived in many different regions of the United States, as well as in England. Penn uses his writing to explore and reconcile his mixed ethnic heritage, writing fiction, essays and reviews. He recently finished his teaching career at Michigan State University, where he was awarded the Distinguished Faculty Award, and taught courses in the oral tradition, comedy and cultural survival, the literatures of the Americas, and creative writing. ​His other awards include an American Book Award, a Critic’s Choice Award, two Stephen Crane Prizes for Fiction, a Wordcraft Circle Writer of the Year award, and inclusion in the Best University Press Books list.

He received his B.A. from U.C. Davis and his Doctorate from Syracuse University in Creative Writing, Modern British Literature, and The Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Epic. He has previously taught at the State University of New York at Oswego and at Hostos Community College in the South Bronx. His works have been included in Antaeus, Missouri Review, Quarterly West, Stand, and Southern Humanities Review, and he has been the Guest Editor for Callaloo.

Represented by: Alice Speilburg

W.S. Penn’s Books