Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America


Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) has more 1800 members, and is a strong advocate for authors in the SFF community and beyond. In addition to hosting the prestigious Nebula Awards at the annual SFWA Nebula Conference, they assist members in various legal disputes, offer a Speakers Bureau, and administer grants to SFF community organizations and members facing medical or legal expenses.

SFWA published their first Nebula anthology in 1966, as a way to showcase the best Sci-Fi and Fantasy stories of the year. This notion, according to Damon Knight in his introduction to Nebula Award Stories: 1965 (Doubleday, 1966) “rapidly grew into an annual ballot of SFWA’s members to choose the best stories, and an annual awards banquet,” what we know today as the Nebula Awards.

SFWA Vision: We are genre writers fostering a diverse professional community committed to inclusion, empowerment, and outreach.

 SFWA Mission: To promote, advance, and support science fiction and fantasy writing in the United States and elsewhere, by educating and informing the general public and supporting and empowering science fiction and fantasy writers

Represented by: Alice Speilburg & Eva Scalzo

SFWA’s Books