Rebecca Zahabi


Rebecca Zahabi is a mixed-race writer (a third British, a third French and a third Iranian, if the mix is of interest to you). She started writing in her home village in France at age 12 - a massive epic where women were knights and men were she-witches which set out to revolutionise feminism.

 Since, she learnt how to actually write, and has slightly re-jigged her expectations of what she can achieve with a keyboard and a blank page. The plan of taking over the world, however, has not changed.

After honing in her craft in a variety of genres - playwriting, short stories, an attempt at Icelandic sagas - she hopes to write novels that can make a difference. She is currently working on more 'political fantasy', an ambitious trilogy blending magic and structural violence.

Rebecca’s fantasy trilogy, beginning with THE COLLARBOUND, is forthcoming from Gollancz in the UK.

Represented by: Alice Speilburg

Rebecca’s Books